The DiMedio Family

We started this journey as a family a few years ago in search of a daughter, and a sister for our boys. Our hearts led us to the China adoption program, and we had that dossier well underway when the allure of Nepal became too great. We switched programs for what amounted to lots of paperwork and stress driven headaches. Finally, we listened to that little voice inside; it was leading us back to China. Little did we know at the time, that it was all part of the bigger plan. That plan which brought us to just the right place, at just the right time to meet our Anna. Anna Mei who was just waiting to meet her brother's Christopher, Alex, and Wil...who have been waiting not so patiently to meet her!

Friday, October 7, 2011

October, and life marches on...

I know...It has been too long again since the last post.

The boys are all back in school.  They enjoy their classes and their teachers.  Their teachers this year are really great, and I can relax a bit knowing that every one of them is learning lots, and it is just my job to support them in their homework this year.  Hooray!
Anna is coming along beautifully!  We run a very busy schedule.  She sees three therapists a week, goes to two my gym classes (which she LOVES), and is trying out Creative Parenting which is a mommy and me one hour preschool type class (no so loving that class!)  Besides that, many hours are spent in structured play learning to do things like put toys into other toys, stack blocks, point to pictures, color, and play with puzzles...the list goes on.  She knows more sign language and is imitating more sounds.  She is running full speed and jumping.  She still won't go in public places without some degree of fear.  The food store and the elementary school are two real problem areas at the moment!  Perhaps most importantly, she gives us all lots of hugs and looks forward to her time playing with us.  Honestly, it seems that Anna Mei is behaving much like a 1 1/2 year old child.  We are happy with that for now and proud of her progress.   As long as she keeps moving forward, then things are good.

Just keeping up with the pace of life is a bit exhausting at the moment, but what house with 3 boys and a toddler would be peaceful??

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