The DiMedio Family

We started this journey as a family a few years ago in search of a daughter, and a sister for our boys. Our hearts led us to the China adoption program, and we had that dossier well underway when the allure of Nepal became too great. We switched programs for what amounted to lots of paperwork and stress driven headaches. Finally, we listened to that little voice inside; it was leading us back to China. Little did we know at the time, that it was all part of the bigger plan. That plan which brought us to just the right place, at just the right time to meet our Anna. Anna Mei who was just waiting to meet her brother's Christopher, Alex, and Wil...who have been waiting not so patiently to meet her!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


We are in the final days before our big trip. Our dining room table is full of tiny little toys, travel blankets, so many medications, and our favorite snacks for the plane ride and the hotel.  Now to get it all into as few suitcases as possible...

We fly out early on Thursday, and will spend the first few days adjusting to "China Time" while our guides show us the Forbidden City, The Great Wall, The Summer Palace, and the site of the recent Olympic Games.  Then Monday it is an early morning, and we drive the 1 1/2 hours to Anna Mei's province capital where the orphanage director will meet us, with Anna, to officially complete the Chinese portion of the adoption process.  From our meeting forward, Anna Mei will never leave our side.

We will be in Beijing a few more days before we jump on an in-country flight south to Guangzou.  The last week of our trip will be spent at the Victory Hotel while we complete the necessary medical appointments and paperwork for the US Consulate.  Anna Mei should become a US Citizen on 3/22 and we will be on a return flight to the US on March 24!

A very heartfelt "Thank You" to everyone.  There has been an amazing outpouring of love and support for every one of us.  For all of the stories of what we need to see and pack for China, and all of the very positive descriptions to my sons of how great it will be to have a sister in the house, thanks.  Thanks so much to our kid's principal & teacher's for the extra help and support for the trip,  our fabulous house sitter, our dedicated dog sitters, for the many hours of "adoption therapy" offered free of charge by our dear friends, and for everyone that offered to help us out along the way!  Anna Mei, we can not wait until you get a bit older and can share with you how very much this entire community is excited for and anticipating your arrival!

This morning little Avery Michalowski (age 2) was asked, "Are you going to have a playdate?"  Her reply, "Oh yes, with Anna Mei!"

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